Ballet and It’s Varieties

Our dance classes

Welcome to Virtuoso School of Music and Art offers an extensive selection of dance classes no matter who you are: a kid, a teen or an adult. You can be certain that classes are held in a very encouraging environment by skillful professionals oriented in all styles of dance. 

RHYTMIC HARMONY:Dance Mastery Classes

BALLET and It’s Varieties

Modern dance  Ages 6-9 
Learning basic  movements in accordance with music adapted: several styles of  Modern and Contemporary , correct body placement. Children will prepare a small setting for performing at our semi-annual school recitals. 

Group classes and private lessons are available.

Dynamic Moves: Modern/Contemporary Dance Class for Ages 10 and Up

Continuing studying by adding more complex movements and such dance elements as turns and jumps. The students will be given an opportunity to choreograph small sections of the dance for performing at our semi-annual school recitals. Music and costumes adapted are guaranteed! Group classes and private lessons are available.


Adult Jazz/Contemporary Ages 18 and Up

The Broadway style of dance with students stretching and doing “across the floor” exercises (turns and leaps). Group classes and private lessons are available.


Lyrical Jazz
Lyrical dance combines the many technical elements of classical ballet with the freedom and airier aspects of jazz, contemporary and modern dance. Group classes and private lessons are available.

Group classes and private lessons are available.

Private lessons

The newcomers can start their studying at any time all year round. Skilled teachers and individual approach to every student are guaranteed.

Group lessons

Group lessons are held one per week and last for 1 hour. They are the best option for those who only get acquainted with the instrument and are only going to learn such basics a note, values, time, signature and position. Apart from that, you will develop concepts and techniques of your own. And, certainly, we meet halfway the students who want to become more skillful with the help of private lessons.

Private lessons are available on a weekly basis for 30 min., 45 min., or 1-hr duration. Group lessons are held in a 1-hr session.

Prices Ballet and It’s Varieties

Group dance for kids

45 minutes

60 minutes

60 minutes
(ballroom or ballet)

4 lessons

$ 26 / $104

$ 32 / $128

8 lessons

$ 29 / $232

Group dance for adults

60 minutes/4 lessons

$ 32 / $128

60 minutes/4 lessons

$ 45 / $180 (couple)


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